
Faculty participation in the Phoenix College Title V Grant Project is crucial.  Through their innovative thinking they create new ways for our students to be successful.  Multiple faculty-driven projects are currently in production designed to provide new course delievery methods, improve current course materials and engage students in new approaches to learning.  Without the support of our highly talented and dedicated faculty, Phoenix College's Grant Project could not be successful. 

Fred Amador
Counseling | Email

Fred acted as the lead on a project to create a web-based study skills tutorial designed to help support Biology lecture and lab courses.  He was a member of the Biology "Boot Camp," an inter-departmental think tank, established to discuss how technology can improve access to and success in Biology courses.

Jeanne Arquette
Chemistry | Email

Jeanne has participated in four faculty-driven projects, acting as lead for two, designed to improve access to and success in CHM130 (Fundamentals of Chemistry).  As project lead, she has revised the CHM130 lab manual and created problem-solving and critical thinking modules to accompany CHM130.  She was an active member in developing a Hybrid version of CHM130 as well pre-lab safety and demonstration modules for CHM130LL (Fundamentals of Chemistry Laboratory).

Amanda Chapman
Bioscience | Email | Amanda Chapman's Homepage

Amanda is currenty lead for the Robotics project designed to increase student interest, engagement and retention in STEM programs.  She is also actively leading the Second Life project to create a virtual lab environment to enhance student engagment, comprehension, and retention in the BIO181 (Introduction to Biology), BIO201 (Anatomy & Physiology I), and BIO205 (Microbiology) lab courses.  Both projects are currently in their second year.

In 2009-2010, Amanda Chapman was certified by the NBPT (National Board for Professional Teaching Standards).

Victor Cornell
Mathematics | Email

Victor has particpated on multiple faculty-driven projects including the creation of review materials and multi-media resources for both online and face-to-face formats of  MAT120 (Intermediate Algebra).  He also developed online supplemental materials for both face-to-face and online versions of MAT187 (Precalculus) and acted as a member of a Mathematics workgroup, established to prioritize the learning needs of Mathematics students.

Ken Costello
Chemistry | Email

Ken worked to develop an online version of CHM151 (General Chemistry I) as well as particpated in the development of a pre-lab safety and demostration module for chemistry laboratory courses.

Robin Cotter
Bioscience | Email | Robin Cotter's Homepage

Robin is currently working with the Second Life project to create a virtual lab environment to enhance student engagement, comprehension and retention in the BIO181 (Introduction to Biology), BIO201 (Anatomy & Physiology I), and BIO205 (Microbiology) lab courses as well as participating in the Biology Information Literacy Project to create web-based tutorials that will support several Biology lecture and lab courses.  She worked as a team member to develop: an online module that introduces students to scientific writing, web-based study skills tutorials to support both Biology lecture and laboratories, and interactive Lesson Builder modules to be used in hybrib lecture and learning environments and created an online version of BIO205 (Microbiology). She was a member of the Biology "Boot Camp," an inter-departmental think tank, established to discuss how technology can improve access to and success in Biology courses.
See also: http://pctitlev.blogspot.com/2011/06/fyi-literacy.html

Robin Cotter was chosen as Phoenix College's Distinguished Faculty of the Year for 2009-2010 and represented the college at the 2010 Learning College Summit sponsored by the League of Innovation.

Michelle Dyer-Hurdon
Library | Email

Michelle acted as project lead in the development of the interdisciplinary module, "Trigonometry in the Real World," to support Trigonometry courses.  She was a member of a Beta Bootcamp designed to create an online module to improve students' research skills.

Debbie Ermoian
Mathematics | Email

Debbie was a member of Beta Bootcamp charged with creating an online module on combinatorics and probability in support of MAT151 (College Algebra).  She also acted as the project lead, creating an online module on reading and understanding mathematics content using meta-cognitive skills and graphic organizers.

Patricia Finkenstadt
Bioscience | Email | Patricia Finkenstadt's Homepage

Patricia has particpated on many projects.  As member of the Second Life team, she assisted in creating a virtual biology lab environment and she collaborated with mulitple departments to develop online modules aimed at alleviating deficiencies in the essential themes of Chemistry and Biology.  She developed an online BIO201 (Anatomy & Physiology I) course.

Patricia was elected Faculty Senate President for 2010-2011 and will attend the Summer Institute sponsored by the American Association of University Professors (AAUP).

Veronica Herrera
Mathematics | Email

Veronica developed a hybrid version of MAT151 (College Algebra), assisted in the creation of an online module to improve reading and understanding of mathematics content using meta-cognitive skills and graphic organizers as well as contirbuted to the Math Boot Camp module.

Anne Hodgkins
Mathematics | Email

Anne is a member of the team using robotics as a tool to increase student interest, engagement and retention in STEM programs.  This project is in its second year.

Joshua James
Bioscience | Email

Joshua is a member of the team using robotics as a tool to increase student interest, engagement and retention in STEM programs. This project is in its second year.

Over the next several years, Joshua will be an active member of the National Science Foundation STEM grant awarded to the Phoenix College Biosciences department.

Seung Joo-Lee
Chemistry | Email

Seung helped develop problem-solving and critical thinking modules for CHM130 (Fundamentals in Chemistry) as well as revised the current CHM130LL (Fundamentals of Chemistry Laboratory) lab manual.

Joseph Kimbuende
English | Email

Joseph developed online modules and ePortfolios for ENG107 (First Year Composition for ESL) to increase the motivation and performance of ENG107 students.

Kelly Lambert
Library | Email | About Kelly Lambert

Kelly acts as the lead for the Biology Information Literacy project designed to provide information literacy pieces that support several Biology lecture and laboaratory courses.  This project is in its second year.  She also participated as a member ofthe Biology Boot Camp incollaboration with multiple departments.
See also: http://pctitlev.blogspot.com/2011/06/fyi-literacy.html

Dianne Miller
Reading | Email

Dianne collaboarted with the Library to develop materials that address deficiencies in reading skill mastery and content knowledge.

Eddie Ong
Chemistry | Email

Eddie acted as project lead to create an online pre-lab safety and demostration module.  He also developed an online basic skill module for CHM151 (General Chemistry I).

Cynthia Ortega
Reading | Email

Cynthia is currently developing critical reading  modules to be used by all CRE101 (Critical Reading) faculty.  She was also part of a collaborative efoort to create online modules to improve the reading and understanding of mathematics content using meta-cognitive and graphic organizers.

Breanna Prinzhorn
Bioscience | Email

Breanna has particpated in the creation of a web-based Biology study skills tutorial that will support several Biology lecture and laboratory courses.  She is also currently a member of the team designing Biology Information Literacy pieces that will support the online tutorial.  This project is in its second year. She was also a member of the Biology Boot Camp in collaboration with the Library and the Counseling departments.

Heather Rheinfelder
Bioscience | Email | Heather Rheinfelder's Homepage

Heather was a member of the Biology Boot Camp, a collaborative effort including members from the Counseling and Biology departments as well as members from the Library.

Elizabeth Saliba
Library | Email

Elizabeth was a member of the project team that developed the interdisciplinary module, "Trigonometry in the Real World."  She was also the lead in developing an online module on itellectual property designed to support IFS101 (Information Skills in the Digital Age).  Elizabeth has also collaborated with the Counseling and Biology departments and the Library in the Biology Boot Camp.

Ralph Sandoval
Reading | Email

Ralph particpated in the creation of an online supplemental manual for CRE101.

John Schampel
Bioscience | Email

John acted as a member of the project team that designed and produced 12 online accessible assessment modules for improving student reading, writing, content comprehension and critical thinking skills for online BIO181 (General Biology I) courses.

John attended the "Teaching Professor" Conference in Boston, MA and had an interview to a local ABC News affiliate about bee attacks televised.

Mary Lee Sheldon
Reading | Email

Mary Lee participated in the creation of both paper-based andonline assessment tools and Turning Point assessments for each area of the compentencies for CRE101 (Critical Reading).

Rano Singh-Sidhu
Chemistry | Email

Rano was a member of the project team that designed an online problem-solving and critical thinking module for CHM130 (Fundamentals of Chemistry).

James Sinner
Bioscience | Email | James Sinner's Homepage

James is a member of the Second Life team creating a virtuallab environment to enhance student engagement, comprehension and retention in the BIO181 (Introduction to Biology), BIO201 (Anatomy & Physiology I), and BIO205 (Microbiology) lab courses.  This project is currently in its second year.

James Sousa
Mathematics | Email | James Sousa's Homepage

James was a member of the project team that developed the interdisciplinary module, "Trigonometry in the Real World."  He was the lead in the creation of an online introductory module in support of trigonometry courses as well as in the creationof multi-media resources for both online and face-to-face MAT120 (Introductory Algebra) courses.  As a member of the mathematics Workgroup, he collaborated with other Mathematics faculty to prioritize student learning needs.

Ana Maria-Subirana
Bioscience | Email | Ana Maria-Subirana's Homepage

Ana developed a set of case studies focused on human gentic disorders to be formatted into online modules.  She also acted as the lead in the development of 12 online accessible assessment modules for improving student reading, writing, content comprehension and critical thinking skils for online BIO181 (General Biology I) courses.

In the Spring 2010, Ana was elected to the Phoenix College Faculty Senate.

Amalia Villegas
Counseling | Email

Amalia standardized the curriculum for CPD150 (Strategies for College Success) courses and created support materials to be used by CRE faculty.

Sean Whitcomb
Bioscience | Email

Sean acted as the lead in the creation of an interactive, web-based module that introduces students to scientific writing, specificall the writing of a Biology lab report.

Sean was one of two Phoenix College adjunct faculty to be chosen to attend the AdjunctSuccess program.